My jewelry situation has been an issue for quite some time now. And I finally decided to do something about it because it was getting out of control.
Essentially my jewelry was being stored in a plastic sandwich bag. That was my storage solution. And let me tell you, that doesn’t work. I couldn’t see the pieces I had, it was tarnishing the pieces I did have, and was incredibly hard to pull out everyday to sort through what I wanted to wear.
So when The Container Store finally had a sale, I took the jump and decided on The Stackers organizational set.

I had searched for a while for the perfect solution. And I’m not sure there is actually one perfect solution, but I think this solution was the best fit for me and the pieces I had.
I ended up purchasing the Stackers Taupe Classic Premium set. I thought it was the best because its stackable, it looks great, and had a bunch of different ways I could customize the storage itself.

I purchased the lidded Taupe piece, the 25 section box piece, the 3 large section piece, and an additional ring roll insert for the 3 piece section. Small note here, the ring roll doesn’t come in the same colors as the Stackers sets (so weird, I know) but I purchased the Grey ring roll and it matches almost perfectly to the Taupe Stackers set. So go figure.
I’m super happy with how this turned out and I know that I’ll be able to expand this as my collection grows and is able to keep the pieces in better shape for longer.

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