Pretty Pinners

I have been OBSESSED with my pinterest lately. I go in spurts of using it, and I’ve been on a long spurt lately. I am in the process of reorganizing my 5000+ pins right now…. I think it’s because I’ve been really diving in head first with blogging and pinterest is just such a great resource for bloggers.

 I’m not sure if other people actually do this, but I go back on my boards and look at the things that I have pinned. Every morning when I get dressed, I pull up my “Fashionista || Autumn & Winter” board and use inspiration from Pinterest to style my outfits. It’s just a way that I love to get up to. It kind of kick starts my inspiration for the day and just gets me happy. I know, I’m weird. haha But its a lot easier to look into your closet with an idea in mind, rather than just staring blankly into it thinking that you have absolutely nothing to wear. you do. trust me. 

but with that being said, I thought I would share my favorite pinners to follow and hopefully they will brighten up your boards as well!

Aubrey Kinch//  I recently discovered her and her blog  and I am absolutely head over heels in LOVE. her style is so simple and classy and I just can’t get over it. she makes me want to move into my own apartment so badly it’s insane. check her out you won’t regret it.

Kim Montgomery
// I’m not sure how or where I first found Kim, but she is always so on point with her pins. She has a mix of everything and I constantly find myself repinning her.

Caroline Yauck//  Caroline has the cutest pinterest and blog as well! I found her blog what seems like a while ago, and would always forget to follow her on pinterest and I’m so glad I finally remembered! I just get this pretty, light, and airy vibe from her pinterest and I love it!

bows, pearls, & sorority girls// if you’re southern or in a sorority, you NEED to follow Alex. so many great ideas for big/little gifts, preppy outfits, and everything you need to be a southern belle.

happy pinning!

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