Weekend Notes | Nº 4

This winter feels like its never ending. I think I’ve been constantly cold for 4 months straight and I am over it. You know when you get in a rut and you can’t get out of it? Same. I’ve been trying to do things out of the ordinary to switch things up, but plans backfire or I get too tired or its just too cold to do any of it. Ugh.


I went back to Michigan a few weekends ago for President’s Day and it was lovely. Mom and I went shopping on Saturday, we all went to the beach on Sunday for a bit because the weather was gorgeous (but also still 25 degrees), and then Monday I just chilled for the day since it was raining and apparently I was the only one that got off the holiday for work out of my parents, lol I love my job.

For those of you that weren’t as blessed as I was growing up right next to arguably, the greatest lake in America, Lake Michigan, let me explain what you’re looking at. As most bodies of water do in the winter in the midwest, they ice over. While smaller lakes will completely ice over and will become safe enough to snowmobile, ski, and snowshoe over, Lake Michigan is quite large. It’s not like crazy large, it isn’t even the largest of the Great Lakes (Superior obvi holds that title), but you can’t see to the other side. Except sometime on a REALLY clear night in the summer you can see the lights of Chicago reflected off the water which is really cool in itself.

Why I’m telling you all this is, because its so big Michigan doesn’t freeze all the way over and waves continue to crash all winter long. Thus making those mountains of snow you see in the background. The beginning of the water is probably about 15 feet behind me, its honestly really hard to tell even in real life where the ground stops and the water begins so you really have to be careful if you take the risk of walking out on the ice.

Just look at how cool my dad is.


I just wanted to drop in and say hello and how cool the earth is. So now that I’ve done that, I’ll leave you to it. Have a lovely weekend!

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