I’m a bag lover for sure. It’s always the first place I go in every store. While I appreciate a good designer bag, I like variety to much to really drop a few hundred on every bag I own. Here’s a selection of the bags that have caught my eye lately and would be perfect for running to work in. I’ve had my Kate Spade wallet for probably 3 years now and I still love it. It’s not exactly the pink shown here but it’s similar and it’s held up so well. It doesn’t get as dirty as you would think a light color would and it has no tears, scuffs, or any marks on it which blows my mind. I also have been seeing these Cuyana travel bags EVERYWHERE and I’m tempted to dive into the deep end. You can get your monogram on them and it just looks so elegant. The only thing holding me back is the 45 other little makeup bags I have already. To buy or not to buy….
Lo & Sons Dagne Dover
The Seville Tote Legend Tote
Inside my small clutch within my bag, I keep an emergency kit that literally holds everything. I’ve definitely turned into my mother when it comes to this little pouch because everyone I know seems to understand that whatever they might need while we’re out and about, Rachel has. So here are the things that I keep just in case!
- Band-aids
- Advil
- Hand Sanitizer
- Cough Drops
- pen
- nail file
- antacid
- bobby pins
- gum
- portable charger
- Shout wipes
- hair ties
While the items that are in this category vary based now hat I’m doing that day, these are the products that can be found in my bag most often and definitely when I’m traveling. If I’m feeling crazy and know I’m going to be gone for a while I’ll bring a few books. And yes, I realize I could download books on my iPad and read them that way, but there’s just something about a book in your hands that I’ll always love. If I’m going international or where weight is really an issue I do that, but if I can help it, I’ve got the real thing in my bag. Shoutout to the Chicago Public Library for always getting new books.
In addition to my emergency kit, I keep a few of my makeup and beauty essentials. You never know when you’re gonna need a little pick-me-up! While I keep a few more things at my desk at work like a brush, hair ties, a Tide-To-Go pen, a fully stocked snack drawer, and literally any paper good you could ever think of, these are the items that come with me everywhere.